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Shadows in the Selva

Currently seeking representation


At age thirty-eight, Michelle Greenwald isn’t sure if she’s making the most out of life. She’s a
successful wildlife biologist and assistant professor at Utah State University, but she’s craving
new horizons and new challenges. Just when her life seems totally predictable, including
eventual marriage to a stay-at-home guy named Derek, she and a Peruvian colleague receive
funds for two graduate students to study harpy eagles in the Amazon region of Peru. She
decides to travel to the Amazon for her summer break to help set up the research project. Her
mini-adventure quickly spins into something much larger when she falls in love with a harpy
eagle chick and with Julián, a Peruvian man. Eventually, she finds herself struggling with new
and old relationships on two different continents, relationships that include not only Derek and
Julián, but her estranged sister in the U.S. and Julian’s Peruvian family. The conflicts come to a
head when she receives bad news about her sister at almost the same time that she discovers
new and very personal threats to her beloved harpy eagles. Forced into action, her decisions
finally bring resolution and a deeper understanding of what is important to her.




After a long flight from Utah to the jungle town of Puerto Maldonado, biologist Michelle Greenwald is greeted by César Mamani, the Peruvian professor who is her collaborator on a harpy eagle research project. Up until now, they've only communicated through video calls and email.

     A man waved at her—César Mamani, she deduced. As he approached, she noted both the gray near his temples and the vigor in his gait. That a man could convey so much authority in a few simple steps was remarkable. Despite the heat, he wore a blue button-down shirt and khaki slacks with a belt, and she assumed he had come directly from the university.

     “Good morning, Michelle, welcome to Puerto.” He kissed her lightly on her cheek, an act that seemed both casual and courteous. “I’m delighted to finally meet you in person.”

     “Likewise.” She fought off her travel exhaustion. “Thank you for picking me up.”

     “My pleasure. No need for you to negotiate taxi fares in Spanish.”

     She laughed. “With the amount of Spanish I know, I would probably end up back in Lima.”

     He smiled. “I’ll take you to your hotel so you can rest for a while. Then, if you wish, I can pick you up for dinner around six-thirty.”

     “Thank you, César. That would be wonderful.”

     He took her luggage and led her to a Toyota truck that seemed to have just emerged from the jungle with yet another scar on its well-worn chassis. The passenger door creaked as he opened it for her. Given the contrast between his truck and clothing, it occurred to Michelle that César might be equally comfortable with a machete or a laptop.

     They drove into Puerto Maldonado with the windows rolled down, and the air smelled like human sweat and burning plastic. The crowded streets hummed with motorcycles, three-wheeled carts, and big utility trucks. Pedestrians squeezed past each other on the narrow sidewalks while taxis sped past with inches to spare. Michelle silently gripped the sides of her seat and held her breath. Meanwhile, César maneuvered through the heavy traffic like a man in a one-person waltz, gliding this way and that in a syncopated rhythm of uncanny efficiency. That he never halted at a stop sign was a marvel in itself, not to mention that he accomplished the entire drive without raising anyone’s ire, as far as she could tell. Nevertheless, she was relieved when he finally pulled up to her hotel. He helped her check into her room, then said goodbye with another peck on the cheek. After he left, she flopped backwards on her bed with an exhausted groan.






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