Science Publications
Although the purpose of this website is to highlight Christina's literary works, her portfolio also contains science articles published in technical, peer-reviewed journals. In publications prior to 2005 she is published under the name Christina Devin Hargis. A full list of her publications is on Google Scholar.

Ganey, J. L., Wan, H.Y., Cushman, S.A., and C. D. Vojta. 2017. Conflicting perspectives on spotted owls, wildlife, and forest restoration. Fire Ecology 13:xx.
Chambers, C.L., C.D. Vojta, E.D. Mering, and B. Davenport. 2015. Efficacy of scent-detection dogs for locating bat roosts in trees and snags. Wildlife Society Bulletin 39:780-787.
Rowland, M. M. and C.D. Vojta, technical editors. 2013. Habitat monitoring technical guide. USDA Forest Service General Technical Report, Washington, DC.
Stetz, J.B., K.C. Kendall, and C.D. Vojta. 2011. Genetic monitoring for managers: a new online resource. Journal of Fish and Wildlife Management 2:216-219.
Vojta, C. D. 2005. Old dog, new tricks: innovations with presence-absence information. Journal of Wildlife Management 69:845-848 (My introduction as editor to a special section on occupancy modeling)
Woodbridge, B., and C. D. Hargis. 2006. Northern goshawk inventory and monitoring technical guide. USDA Forest Service Washington Office General Technical Report GTR-71, Washington, DC.
Hargis, C. D., and B. Woodbridge. 2006. A design for monitoring northern goshawks (Accipiter gentilis) at the bioregional scale. Studies in Avian Biology 31:274-287.
Hargis, C. D., J. A. Bissonette, and D. L. Turner. 1999. The influence of forest fragmentation and landscape pattern on American martens. Journal of Applied Ecology 36:157-172
Hargis, C. D., J. A. Bissonette, and J. L. David. 1998. The behavior of landscape metrics commonly used in the study of habitat fragmentation. Landscape Ecology 13:167-186.
Hargis, C. D., John A. Bissonette, and John L. David. 1997. Understanding measures of landscape pattern. Chapter 9 in J. A. Bissonette, editor. Wildlife and landscape ecology: effects of pattern and scale. Springer-Verlag, New York.
Hargis, C. D., C. McCarthy, and R. D. Perloff. 1994. Home ranges and habitats of northern goshawks in eastern California. Studies in Avian Biology 16:66-74.
Bleich, V. C., C.D. Hargis, J. A. Keay, and J. D. Wehausen. 1991. Interagency coordination and the restoration of wildlife populations. Pp. 277-284 in: J. Edelbrock and S. Carpenter, editors. Natural Areas and Yosemite: prospects for the future. USDI National Park Service, Denver Service Center, Denver, CO.
Hargis, C. D. and D. R. McCullough. 1984. Winter diet and habitat selection of marten in Yosemite National Park. J. Wildl. Manage. 48:140-146.
Hargis, C. D. 1982. Winter habitat utilization and food habits of pine martens in Yosemite National Park. Coop. Nat. Park Res. Studies Unit, Tech. Rep. No. 6. 59pp.